How to counteract the weight gain after smoking cessation arguments against smoking there is enough: it is extremely harmful, bad for the skin, more expensive every few months and always the clothes stink of old, stale smoke. For assistance, try visiting Sam Mikulak. Still shy away from many smokers to stop the step with the smoking, because they are afraid of weight gain and the withdrawal symptoms. And this is not entirely unfounded, because the nicotine that is absorbed during smoking keeps resistant up to speed the metabolism and thus also the calorie-burning. And every smoker can confirm to dampen the feeling of hunger when you smoke a cigarette. New non-smoking so often face the problem that the oral gratification is missing them, obtained earlier by cigarettes.
In this respect, that after the smoke stop a certain addiction shifted risk of course. Instead of the cigarette used more frequently to chocolate, biscuits or gummy bears. So it is not surprising that many former smokers, especially in the first phase set to post weaning weight. Of course: If you stop smoking, turns out to be a good service his health certainly. However this step also a tremendous change in personal lifestyle, not without another overnight instead finds. Through a conscious lifestyle, but can inherently counteract weight gain and avoid that a shift of addiction from the nicotine to feeding addiction occurs.
It is very helpful in any case, to change the style of life consistently. Plenty of exercise and sports in the fresh air are a good remedy for this. There is a good body feeling and the metabolism is always encouraged. Fress attacks might occur, you should deliberately rely on fruit, vegetables and even prepared food, rather than chocolate and fast food. Notice very quickly, that you soon have a much better condition and feel fitter total significantly.