International Football Federation

For example, if the natural turf is recommended to operate no more than two hours a day, Artificial – 24 hours. The season can last all year round (if clean off the snow). For Sports (football, hockey, tennis, rugby, etc.) used herbal field with natural or artificial turf. Compositionally, artificial turf is divided mainly into …

Held In The Swimming Pool The Karlsruhe To The Social Media Night Go

The Karlsruhe social-media scene in summer weather for the third social media night met on July 24, 2012. The Karlsruhe social-media scene in summer weather for the third social media night met on July 24, 2012. The role of Paseo marketing here: co-organizer of Somenika (social media night Karslruhe) and speaker post. The Karlsruhe local …

Mendoza Adventure Sports

In Mendoza, the sum of beautiful landscapes and sunny climate becomes the equation ideal to unite sportsmen and nature lovers. Fans of the adrenaline of extreme sports and urban fauna that seeks to disconnect with simple walks outdoors, all found in Mendoza an offer made-to-measure. In Mendoza, tourism has as few places take advantage of …