If your firm has decided to acquire the site and make it an effective tool to support your business, except for matters of design and usability is worth paying attention to another important aspect. This is – providing confidence user to the site. Internet user, perhaps for the first time it was from a site learns about your company. And how he would trust this site depends on the degree of confidence in the company, and the likelihood tomorrow it will be your client or partner. The following are recommendations that will help your site make it necessary to respect and trust of its visitors.
1) publish news your company on the site. Usually on home page publishes the most recent news or summaries of these news reports citing "more". Previous news it is desirable not to remove, and store in a special section "News" (news archive). Must have each news item should be visible to the date of publication. Regular publication of news possible: – to show that the site is updated, "live", ie with it really work employees – will increase the amount of useful content, with which will be interesting to meet visitors. This will also become more familiar with your company, to see the dynamics of its development – increase the number of pages on the site and as a consequence, the attention to his search engine – allows you to look at year-end news archives and more time to evaluate than lived company, which has achieved success, what events predominated.