Training Puppies

Your puppy has arrived at your house, is uncertain timid, afraid, has been separated of its parents and brothers, probably just has weanling, therefore it will be approximately 3 days old, although acostumbrarte to his can be difficult for you first pranks, for him is it still more. I have you rule here basic to take care of to educate small dogs: * we must teach the rules to him of the game, from the beginning, its allowed, prohibited places, for it first and main, we will not take it to places that we do not want that it only enters. * It is not good that they raise the furniture, to tables and beds, although they are member very important of the family, but are especially animal and as all we know, he is not hygienic, by more vaccines than we put to them. Like steel norm, we will not raise it when we are seated in the bed or the armchairs. To know more about this subject visit Mark Crumpacker. * To have patience when educating small dogs, since its time of learning will really begin the 4 months, before that we must even more have patience.