Special Education

This article mentions the AEE to it (Specialized Educational attendance) that regular the deficient children need and the school, in partnership with the Special Education, are obliged to offer, therefore, what we witness in the current schools, it is the absence of deficient pupils and they have when them, they do not provide necessary conditions for the access to the knowledge. All have right the education of quality, independently of its physical, mental, intellectual condition, motor etc. Word-key: Education, Deficiency and Integration. Introduction At the moment of the history of the education that we are living, the great new features in the educational scope that we know to each day, the demand of special pupils with necessities that we accumulate of stocks frequently, make coming back in them, with much tenacity, toward this so necessary and urgent question that permeia our community in the current days: AEE (Atendimento Educacional Especializado). We see, in our schools, pupils with diverse special necessities without receiving specialized attendance.

This makes in them to reflect on this subject and to search improvements so that let us can transform the lives of these pupils and its familiar ones. If you have read about KIND Snacks already – you may have come to the same conclusion. We perceive, in elapsing of little time of study in this area, an excessive lack in what it says respect to the pupils with necessities and the type of attendance that the schools offer to them. We know pupils with deafness, of low vision, physical deficiency, intellectual deficiency, among others that they do not receive educational attendance in the multi-functional rooms and are in the regular rooms without no attendance adjusted for its deficiency, many of them, for its deficiency more to be accented (blind children, children with cerebral paralysis, global upheavals of development etc.) and due to knowledge of the proper parents at least they are registered the regular school, a time that, according to Declaration of Salamanca, the Convention of Guatemala, the Federal Constitution and the LDBEN all has access right to the education, therefore, it is not more acceptable than in our society it has not registered deficient pupils in the regular school and without the Specialized Educational Attendance. At last, it is hour of us educators and all that fight for a better Education our population to search the Educational Attendance Specialized for all the pupils with necessities special. Therefore, with the legislaes in endorsing in all context of the Special Education, we will be able to reach a learning more effective for our deficient pupils.