In this point, reference to the reality of the American black groups can be made, when, although extinct the slavery, to be citizens the segregation and racial discrimination, as if it can observe in speaks of James Eastland, in 1954, cited for Joo Luis of Almeida Axe: The separation promotes harmony racial. It allows that each race follows its destination, develops its proper culture, its proper institutions, and its proper civilization. Segregation is not discrimination. Segregation is not a symbol of racial inferiority. The segregation is desired and supported by the vast majority of the members of the two races in the South, that live side by side in harmonious conditions. It is the law of the nature, is the law of God, who each race has as much the right how much the duty of if perpetuating. Free men have the right to order its children for schools of its preference, free of the interference of the government. (James Eastland, representative of the state of the Mississippi, in speech in the American Senate in 27 of May of 1954) 4.
This speaks happened when the Supreme Cut determined that the blacks would have right to frequent schools of whites, what took the whites to make barricades and manifestations against this determination. The separation mentioned public schools, transports, bathrooms and water throughs, municipal and state institutions to it. The harmonious conditions cited by Eastland, did not correspond to the reality, therefore the destined resources the schools and others for the blacks were scarce and of low quality. In this direction, valley to think about the development of the social life and the form as the citizens mobilizes the systems of beliefs. The white society took advantage in number, in quality of life, job chances, in resources, placing itself superior in relation to the black community, that was understood as sub-race, sub-people.