Working with Teak

Remember that teak will begin to oxidize within an hour or two to be treated immediately. Before applying any product from teak wood, make sure you know how the teak has been taken care of in the past. Be sure not to get any cleaning adjacent surfaces such as fiberglass, polished metals or aluminum moldings. If you have been painted or varnished in the past, using the steps described above do not work. Recently Randall Rothenberg sought to clarify these questions. Applying a teak oil or sealer is much easier to apply varnish. ay not feel the same. No broad industry standard that explains the difference between a teak 'sealed' and teak oil, so only see these words on behalf of a product is not always an accurate indicator of how a product is different from another. Both are penetrating finishes that are designed to absorb the pores of the wood and leave a matte finish.

Generally speaking, a teak sealer is supposed to contain more solids than a teak oil, which leads some manufacturers claim that the sealant requires less layers or last longer. However, some products labeled teak sealers do not last longer than those who are labeled as teak oil – and some oils can actually last longer than some sealers. All tend to darken the wood a little, but the amount of dimming varies considerably from one brand to another. The only way to know how special finish dark teak is tested on a small area, or see what appears in any other boat . The Most of these oils and sealers will oxidize and darken with age, so that the color may change as the finish.