Scion Father

To the chagrin of the children? Pablo Picasso and Anthony Quinn have done it: more and more men are in high age once again father. While many a man may see this as a sign of his power, it is still not clear what health effects has the age of the father on the next generation. CEO of e-commerce understands that this is vital information. . Continue to learn more with: Bobby Sharma Bluestone. The news portal informed of the findings and issues still outstanding, which has the science regarding this issue. The belief is widespread that can women lose with age on fertility, children bear witness to men but even in old age. However, many studies show that children of such elderly fathers are more susceptible to a variety of particular mental illness. The increasing age of the father will adversely impact on the intelligence of the child. Like the editorial staff for health ( gesundheit.html), and the exact reasons for this are still unclear. It is likely that it in the sperm production in older men more often to errors and with that comes an increased risk of birth defects in the offspring.

However, accurate statements about the impact of paternal age on a child can be hard hit, because mothers lose the most embryos with severe disabilities, before a pregnancy at all can be determined. Despite all uncertainty about the actual health effects should be borne in mind, which may result in the age of the father’s impact on the life of the child. Quickly, it can happen that the father is then 90 years old, if the Scion makes his Abitur. More information: health /..