Lucie Safarova

If it loses, never sees tennis on television, prefers hockey ice, and still at Manchester United, but also the Barca, likes for his way of playing as a team. Real Madrid says that they are individual pieces, pointing. His mentality as a player stands out that BERDYCH is very linear but at the decisive moment it decays and need something more special as the character of Nadal. However in a decisive way tiebreaker is the second or third player who wins more. There goes up. In fact has a psychological primer that teaches you techniques for thinking things in according to that moment. Jose Felix Gonzalez only has seen few times to Berdych outside sill. Generally not he gets mad, I’ve seen you just as well twice, last year at the Masters, when he lost to Djokovic after going ahead, and this year in Wiston-Salem, after having three match points and failing them, there broke for the first time a racket in these two years with him, he recalled.

The team also has their hobbies. They have the rule of not shaving since they start the first match until they finished the tournament, and wear the same shirt all, he said. They are very strict on the job and often hit by lack of communication, but what if it is clear that each has a key role in the team for Thomas to succeed, said Gonzalez.BERDYCH is very familiar, is always in contact with their parents, and speaking by phone with her mother every day, is very aware of it, said Gonzalez. Last July, Berdych broke up with his previous girlfriend, tennis player Lucie Safarova, with whom he had shared nine years. The change did not seem to affect you too. He continued his work concentrated and very soon appeared his current girlfriend, the young model’s 19 years Ester Satorova. He was having new girlfriend and win the tournament in Beijing. She is a girl, but are happy and lives 30 miles from his village, Valasske Mezirici see more: Jose Felix Gonzalez, the Spanish who cares about Tomas Berdych

International Football Federation

For example, if the natural turf is recommended to operate no more than two hours a day, Artificial – 24 hours. The season can last all year round (if clean off the snow). For Sports (football, hockey, tennis, rugby, etc.) used herbal field with natural or artificial turf. Compositionally, artificial turf is divided mainly into three groups. Fibers first groups are composed of polypropylene. Use on the football field this type of grass burns accompanied by athletes. Over time, technology developed in the fibers of artificial grass.

The composition of the fibers was introduced a new material – polyamide. However, the use of such fiber in Russia in a similar climate, countries co is difficult because for softening of the fibers is often necessary to irrigate a lawn synthetic water, which in abrupt change in temperature is difficult and may entail the destruction of the fibers. The latest achievement in the field of synthetic turf fibers become polyethylene. Its distinctive features are the strength and security. System installation and drainage helps the playing field during the rain. Depending on installation artificial grass areas are divided into Sediment (with a layer of quartz sand and rubber granulate) and nezasypnye. Filling allows you to adjust the height of the "stem" and the density of coverage, depending on the sport to practice specifically designed playground. Thanks to the filling of artificial rubber granulate herbs can avoid "burn" the skin athlete falls on artificial turf.

On nezasypnoy grass should be used with water irrigation system. The color scheme of artificial turf consists mainly of 2 colors: green and red, but there is also a collection that includes a diverse range of colors – yellow, blue, brown and other colors. For the artificial grass court is immeasurably easier than natural. Not accident in 2001, the (FIFA) to allow an official matches on fields with artificial grass. Caring for artificial grass, as opposed to natural, reduced to cleaning extraneous matter. On this site you can play, in principle, 24 hours a day 365 days a year in all climates. Artificial turf is made from 100% synthetic materials: the copolymer, polyethylene, tialona, polypropylene, a synthetic non-woven cloth, PVA dispersions, rubber granulate. Exploitation of artificial grass. 1. During the operation artificial turf is necessary to periodically wet to improve performance and reduce dust. 2. Never use an open flame on the lawn and flammable liquids, as used in the manufacture of the materials are combustible. 3. Temperature conditions of intensive operation: -10 to +50 degrees C, in prevent premature spoilage and reduce the life of the lawn. Information taken from the site of artificial sports surfaces 'Karat'. Website URL:

Parque Tres

River Plate Stadium this stadium is known popularly as El Monumental. He was one of the first large stadiums in South America, with a capacity of 70000 spectators. Other improvements have expanded its capacity until the current 76609, the largest nationwide. The national team plays in this stadium and is also home to massive music events. Argentine Polo horses (short) and Argentine polo players field are considered among the best in the world. This stadium is known as the Polo’s Cathedral. The stadium has a capacity of 30000 spectators and is used for musical events, pato and field hockey games. Among the most important teams of the country, we can appoint La Dolfina, Indian Chapaleufu, Ellerstina and La Aguada. The Argentine open Polo Championship, the most important tournament of the world, begins in late November. Hipodromo de Palermo is the Hippodrome with more history of Latin America. Its arena of 2400 metres track is among the most important in the world. Its most famous fan was Carlos Gardel, who used to sing in the studs Palermo and also was the owner of the horse lunatic. This rode it the Uruguayan jockey Irineo Leguisamo, one of the most notorious history. The Racecourse has three grandstands: the special, the officer (the most sophisticated of all, built in 1908 by the French architect Dujarric) and the Paddock near the pits and the roundabout’s display. Palermo runs during November the Gran Premio Nacional, the Argentine classic, and the final race of the Triple Crown (also written by dicks of fillies and Colts and the Jockey Club). Zoo in 1888, the municipality of Buenos Aires ordered that you part of the Parque Tres de Febrero (Palermo forests) should be destined for a zoo. When was opened, it had 650 specimens of 53 different species of the world. The Zoo has 18 hectares and since its privatization in 1991 had a great redesign.

Held In The Swimming Pool The Karlsruhe To The Social Media Night Go

The Karlsruhe social-media scene in summer weather for the third social media night met on July 24, 2012. The Karlsruhe social-media scene in summer weather for the third social media night met on July 24, 2012. The role of Paseo marketing here: co-organizer of Somenika (social media night Karslruhe) and speaker post. The Karlsruhe local chapter, which celebrated its first birthday in July, was founded by Michael M. Roth reminiscent of the social media Club in the United States, there is since 2006. Human media interaction was the motto”very just. With the help of the growing community, successful PR work, diligent organization and numerous unilateral engagements, it was to welcome possible over 100 visitors in the strongest participants Somenika? At a press conference with Paseo marketing Managing Director Soren Munk and Michael M. Roth, chapter leader of the social media Club Karlsruhe, positive awareness in the regional media landscape was created already in advance.

The event was at the Karlsruhe Stadthalle carried out. The lectures covered various subject areas and loose, the atmosphere was pleasant. Why, how, and for whom is social media relevant? Julia Scharmann, head of media strategy at Paseo marketing answered these questions. The example of Gorilla sports, she showed what can be achieved with a successful social media management. Cyberchampion Bastian Karweg, founder of Echobot and Socialindex, gave a very inspiring talk. Seven illustrative examples from the business sector, also he showed guests how can use social media for the benefit of his company. Also impressive: lawyer Dr. Carsten Ulbricht of the Stuttgart-based firm diem & partner: amusing and informative way and way mediated the legal aspects of social media everyday a feat in the short of time.

In the aftermath, there was many good conversations at the expert tables, new contacts have been established and follow-up appointments. The series of events following Karlsruhe of other German and international local chapters. So supplied in the region of enthusiasts and professionals in pleasant, entertaining, and informative way regularly changing topics. At least a more social media night in Karlsruhe this year is already in planning. Also here Paseo marketing will participate again – organizational and/or content.

Mendoza Adventure Sports

In Mendoza, the sum of beautiful landscapes and sunny climate becomes the equation ideal to unite sportsmen and nature lovers. Fans of the adrenaline of extreme sports and urban fauna that seeks to disconnect with simple walks outdoors, all found in Mendoza an offer made-to-measure. In Mendoza, tourism has as few places take advantage of the countless possibilities offered by the landscape and the natural environment. In the Cuyo province up to a museum can break with its traditional contemplative image and instead, offer an unforgettable adventure. Located within the estate Valenti, in the Central Department of Rivadavia, the military museum, a private family business, is the only one of its kind in the Argentina. It was created by descendants of immigrants in agradecimieto and sign of love to the Earth that so generously housed his ancestors.

The military the Central Museum calls on a tour of parts of a great historic value, between manual and automatic weaponry, survival items, uniforms and even combat vehicles. The journey takes us from the immortal gesta libertadora sanmartiniana until the recent Falklands war, passing through the two world wars that shook to the 20th century. The pampered children of the collection? A fragment of sable who accompanied Jose of San Martin during his liberation campaign and a saddle belonging to General Peron riding. But the attractive proposal for the Museum is not exhausted by the visit to its halls: La Central invites visitors to join history, nature and adventure through hiking, walks and even survival courses given by specialised personnel. Demonstrations and artistic performances receive the audacious to the return of the excursions. To regain strength, the Museum has a restaurant that offers both Mendoza typical delicacies and international cuisine classics. The military the Central Museum is located only 15 km from the main town in the match, Rivadavia.

And if the lodging in wineries supposed greater originality of accommodation in Mendoza, the Central double the bet by also providing hotel services to visitors. Without a doubt, not every day has the possibility of staying in a museum. But be, as in this case, a Museum for nothing traditional, for nothing static and changing Yes very, but very original.

Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba

ZP on Rubalcaba: is capable of winning an election in 10 months. Zapatero has said that he is a runner and time will prove him right. The first Vice-President of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has given this Saturday if the request that the dome of the PSOE has made that he chooses to be the candidate of the party to the leadership of the Executive in the forthcoming general elections. Rubalcaba has thus appeared before the Committee of the Federal Executive of the PSOE which this Saturday at Ferraz was held to announce that it will present to the primaries: I am at your disposal, I’m going to submit to primaries, he said, to add that he believes that he has the support of the people of the party. It is true that I have always been available to my party and my country.

And I will campaign and ask the vote for the PSOE, has sentenced. In his speech to the highest organ of the party between congresses, he has praised that the PSOE in this process did an exercise in responsibility and maturity while respecting the times and forms.I came here having it done and I have not made nor a single declaration, they counted on the fingers of two hands colleagues who I have heard of this in private, he said. According to Rubalcaba, his candidacy for the primaries is motivated by three reasons: by my ideas, by the people, who hopes to give them reasons to return, and by the militants, has emphasized.It is the site, the place and the moment to say so to the match, said Rubalcaba. The Interior Minister has assured that since Sunday the PSOE has begun to make self-criticism.

Culture Well

With some 300 hectares of surface, skiable and several peaks over 3500 metres Oukaimeden is one of the major ski resorts of the African continent. 8. Of shopping: there are very few things that one cannot find in Marrakech, especially on its Souk or traditional market, the largest of all Morocco. You’ll find all kinds of crafts, handmade quilts, gastronomic products and spices, as well as works of art and antiques, fashion, or the best furniture craftsmen.

9 Relax: If you want the most complete experience of Marrakech, you can not miss a visit to a hammam or traditional Turkish bath where you can enjoy a session of very particular exfoliation and a relaxing and stimulating massage in a typical and unique decor. 10 Culture: Marrakech offers countless opportunities to enjoy its dynamic cultural life. In addition to the festivals thematic that they are held in the city throughout the year and include festivals of theatre, comedy, fashion, music and cinema, and even a festival for children, a festival of magic and until a camel festival, Marrakech is home to some cabarets and places where you can enjoy live contemporary music, as well as multitude of art galleries andOccasionally, concerts of classical music and camera. This list is just an example of some of the things that can be done during a vacation in Marrakech. Of course, it does not include many other activities that can be conducted in the ochre city, but I hope that at least this list invited to visit this wonderful place. Hotels in Marrakech are top quality and transport and food are very affordable, as well. So there is no excuse to miss it!

19Th Place At The Sales Awards 2012 For Autohaus Heidenreich

The family-owned company from Witzenhausen says no blame is more urgent than that to say thanks. thank you” (Cicero) has thought up also the dealership Heidenreich: the sympathetic family business with branches in Eschwege, Witzenhausen and thanked currently with many attractive automotive offers its customers for their longstanding loyalty and the award for the year’s sales award. “As one of nationwide 350 participating car dealers of all brands and sizes the innovative dealership 19 could rank in the struggle for the popular sector price, with the most popular car magazine” annually 20 companies for the use of the sales staff, vehicle presentations, marketing for new and used cars as well as the interfaces to the service awards. I not expected this success by far, especially not in front of the background of the strong competition”, Managing Director Jorg Heidenreich, delighted with his car dealerships in Witzenhausen and Eschwege in this year to the first time has participated in the recognized competition. The jury consisting of journalists and car market experts from our professional customer events was particularly fond. “So our customers as part of our development Mule hunting were allowed to ‘ earlier this year on a test track to test-drive some models such as for example the new Opel Ampera before launch”, proudly declares the 44-year old and wish to give a piece of the successful cakes of the company as contractor lovers of the brands Opel and Hyundai: as top 20 among sales professionals, my staff and I thank under Hamada/top-20 action / with many great deals for our customers for their trust. Without such an award would have been impossible”, as Heidenreich.

Personal Development For People In Leadership

With emotional self Guide to healthy leadership, the first book of the author duo wind Wallace & Rafa makes an important contribution to the expertise of people in leadership. Because they are challenged to lead themselves and others successfully and healthy changes. The liquid self leadership begins with self management”gives new perspectives about feelings in systems. Systems are companies and organizations as well as private environments. Displaced feelings in systems have wide-ranging effects on the functionality and quality of relationships.

To understand the logic of emotions and the emotional shifts in systems not only, but also to resolve that is of the utmost importance for people with leadership responsibility. The competence matrix, the practical heart of the book is a suitable training tool to do this. The book combines insights from Neuroscience, psychological knowledge and experience from 20 years of training and coaching. The bottom line: by successful emotional self guide is higher efficiency with less effort and more enthusiasm. After mediation by Coachingkompetenzen for executives, personality development is increasingly in the focus of the analysis. For people in business, organisations and society responsibility, self-development is just so important, but also for the community because developed personalities affect not only far-reaching consequences for individuals. Christiane wind Wallace & Birgit-Rita Reifferscheidt: The liquid self tour starts with self guide 248 pages, hardcover, may 2012, publishing books on demand, Norderstedt 34.90 EUR ISBN-10 384480790 X ISBN-13 978-3844807905

American Senate

In this point, reference to the reality of the American black groups can be made, when, although extinct the slavery, to be citizens the segregation and racial discrimination, as if it can observe in speaks of James Eastland, in 1954, cited for Joo Luis of Almeida Axe: The separation promotes harmony racial. It allows that each race follows its destination, develops its proper culture, its proper institutions, and its proper civilization. Segregation is not discrimination. Segregation is not a symbol of racial inferiority. The segregation is desired and supported by the vast majority of the members of the two races in the South, that live side by side in harmonious conditions. It is the law of the nature, is the law of God, who each race has as much the right how much the duty of if perpetuating. Free men have the right to order its children for schools of its preference, free of the interference of the government. (James Eastland, representative of the state of the Mississippi, in speech in the American Senate in 27 of May of 1954) 4.

This speaks happened when the Supreme Cut determined that the blacks would have right to frequent schools of whites, what took the whites to make barricades and manifestations against this determination. The separation mentioned public schools, transports, bathrooms and water throughs, municipal and state institutions to it. The harmonious conditions cited by Eastland, did not correspond to the reality, therefore the destined resources the schools and others for the blacks were scarce and of low quality. In this direction, valley to think about the development of the social life and the form as the citizens mobilizes the systems of beliefs. The white society took advantage in number, in quality of life, job chances, in resources, placing itself superior in relation to the black community, that was understood as sub-race, sub-people.